Hi, everyone. Welcome to Fastly’s dev community forum! This is a place for you to ask technical questions, show off what you’re working on, share product feedback, and perhaps wax philosophical about the state of open source — in other words, it’s a space for you.
But before we get carried away, this here is a thread for you to introduce yourself! I’ll start.
I’m your friend and Fast Forward community manager Hannah. I just reached a milestone of three years managing Fastly’s open source program — it’s been so wonderful getting to know so many of you, learning about your impactful projects, and supporting your work.
I’m fascinated by community systems. In a previous life, I worked as a study coordinator in a communications laboratory, studying social and knowledge networks in distributed working groups, online communities, and virtual teams. That’s what brought me to the world of open source. To me, open source is a shining example of the power of people in community. And through my work on Fast Forward and in this community, I hope to help build systems that galvanize openness, collaboration, and kindness.
Outside of work, I’m a core organizer for an annual charitable event in Chicago called CHIditarod (a food drive, fundraiser, and costumed shopping cart race). Chicago, where I live, is rife with food deserts — CHIditarod seeks to bring awareness to the issue and alleviate it. The event has generated 257,419 lbs of food for the Greater Chicago Food Depository and raised $653,779 for our grant program.
Also, I love birds, books, and art of all kinds.
Your turn! Tell us about yourself, your project, how people can contribute to it, or whatever you like.