Help supporting builders on Fastly?

Hey! We run big programs with about 2000 developers where we support builders in launching something new. We also work with companies like Stability, AWS, Chroma, and others to encourage and support builders on their tech. We’ve seen some interest in Fastly from builders in past programs and I was hoping to chat with someone on the team about making it easier to get builders up and running on Fastly in the future? Thanks!

Hey @joeydebruin the best way to get connected with the team is to sign up at the Fast Forward page here! Fast Forward - how we're building the open internet

Hey @mandy thanks for the info! Just to be clear, you’re saying we should just send projects from our program built on Fastly to this Fast Forward program? And if I understand correctly, that would just be open source projects right?

Hey @joeydebruin can you send me a DM with more details? I’d love to chat more about how we can support your community.

In the meantime, if you or anyone in the group wants to showcase a project or get help collaborating on a specific problem they’re solving, this forum is a great place for that!

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Hey @aspires yep will send you a DM! And for sure can send builders this way as well.

@aspires actually I can’t send you a DM here - I’ll try linkedin instead