I’m seeing many requests for assets from a number of Fastly customers such as SteamPowered, Gog, and Vimeo take multiple seconds to load even very small (2-3 KB) assets (images, css, js, etc.). This only happens via my home ISP (GiggleFiber), but if I use a VPN, while overall transfer rates are of course slower, the response time for each request is more normal (a few hundred milliseconds).
Some random examples (all from Firefox’s network inspector):
URL: GET hxxps://shared.fastly.steamstatic.com/store_item_assets/steam/apps/2246340/970508d58e4f11f6f9ff3e2921b7eec558a50af8/capsule_184x69.jpg?t=1730880879
Transferred: 7.37kB
x-served-by: cache-dfw-kdfw8210084-DFW
Blocked: 60 ms
DNS Resolution: 0 ms
Connecting: 0 ms
TLS Setup: 0 ms
Sending: 0 ms
Waiting: 602 ms
Receiving: 6.12 s
(At some times, SteamPowered seems to use CloudFlare instead of Fastly, in which case everything loads quickly as I’d expect)
URL: GET hxxps://images.gog-statics.com/5ad0cce068c7a0d406a766e7c7d0c7ff95e712464de04902f1003bf328b17bcc_product_tile_80x114_2x.webp
Transferred 5.94kB
x-served-by: cache-fra-eddf8230081-FRA, cache-dfw-kdfw8210128-DFW
Blocked: 42 ms
DNS Resolution: 0 ms
Connecting: 0 ms
TLS Setup: 0 ms
Sending: 0 ms
Waiting: 452 ms
Receiving: 12.77s
URL GET hxxps://f.vimeocdn.com/cms/_next/static/chunks/pages/_app-23d50a50b5fd353e.js
Transferred: 652.79 kB
x-served-by: cache-iad-kcgs7200116-IAD, cache-dfw-kdfw8210124-DFW
Blocked: 199 ms
DNS Resolution: 0 ms
Connecting: 0 ms
TLS Setup: 0 ms
Sending: 0 ms
Waiting: 644 ms
Receiving: 33.71 s
I just collected those data points in the last hour or so; members of my household report anecdotally that it seems to have been happening over at least the past 3 days, usually a lot worse in the evening, and not as noticable in the mornings (Pacific timezone). Also, we tried several VPN endpoints, in the US and Europe, and none of them exhibited this slowness.
I had to obfuscate the https to hxxps to get past the “2 links per post” limit.
Let me know if there’s any other information I can provide to help debug this.