Hey there! If you want to test Object Storage in Ruby, I built this lightweight demo script to help people get started. This uses the existing AWS S3 SDK, with a slight configuration tweak to connect to Object Storage.
When creating the client object, I needed to add force_path_style: true
to the params.
But, that one-line adjustment is the only change required to do to make everything work!
require 'aws-sdk-s3'
# Define testing variables for bucket and object creation
bucketName = "my-new-bucket"
objectKey = "test-key"
content = "test-body"
# Create an S3 client
@object_store = Aws::S3::Client.new(
access_key_id: "#{KEY}",
secret_access_key: "#{SECRET}",
# This example assumes you're working out of Fastly's US West region.
# Change to another supported region as desired.
endpoint: "https://us-west.object.fastlystorage.app",
region: "us-west",
# This param instructs the client to connect to Fastly Object Storage
# via the endpoint path defined above.
force_path_style: true
# Test Interactions #
# Create a bucket
puts @object_store.create_bucket(bucket: bucketName)
# List all buckets
puts @object_store.list_buckets
# Get the location for the newly-created bucket
puts @object_store.get_bucket_location(bucket: bucketName)
# Write a test object to the newly-create bucket
puts @object_store.put_object(bucket: bucketName, key: objectKey, body: content)
# List the first 5 objects in the newly-created bucket
puts @object_store.list_objects(bucket: bucketName, max_keys: 5)