Fastly KV on local environment with compute

Hi Folks,

I am writing a small logic and I am able to test my logic for fastly compute on my local very easily but I have no clue about how can I simulate fastly KV as well on my local without creating a new KV on cloud.

Here it says Testing and debugging on the Compute platform | Fastly Documentation that Fastly KV is available for local development with compute but I am not sure if they mean purly local or a store created on fastly cloud and then I can connect it to my compute on local machine ? I would prefer the first one if it is possible.


You were heading in the right direction!

The page you want is here. This will show you how to create local stores for testing your code; any changes to the stores that your code makes will live in memory as long as you keep the ‘fastly compute serve’ instance running, but they won’t be persisted back to your filesystem.


Thanks a lot this works perfectly for me. :slight_smile: