Welcome to Fastly Connect (the preview)!

Welcome! Fastly Connect is a community forum where you can join and connect with members of the Fastly community. Ask for help with projects, show off what you’re working on, or just hang out!

We’re still tying some loose ends around here, so consider yourself an early adopter and know that we’re so glad that you’re here! In the meantime, read our community guidelines, introduce yourself, explore the different categories in the sidebar menu, see what the rest of the community here has been discussing, and stay tuned for a lot more here in 2024.

We are very excited to Connect with the community!
-@jenn (Director of Community), @kdraps (Customer Advocate), and the rest of Fastly!



Is this an introduction thread? Well, it is now! Here’s my introduction :sparkle:

I’m the community manager of Fast Forward, our open-source program. :wave: I’ve been at Fastly for almost three years now. My favorite thing about my work is hearing about our program’s impact on our members, whether that’s saved time, $$, peace of mind, or whatever. So never hesitate to reach out with positive feedback :grin: (Or negative feedback - I love helping to solve your problems too!)

In my spare time, I’m part of a team organizing an annual charity event in Chicago (where I live) called the Chiditarod. It’s good fun and has raised tons of money and food for Chicago’s hungry! I also love spending time in nature, being a know-it-all about birds, reading books, and making art.

That’s me - excited to hear about all you Fastly devs. :slight_smile:


:wave: I’m Chris: I’m an engineer in Fastly’s Developer Relations team. Can’t wait to see and help all our Fastly devs :smiley:

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Heya! I just created a couple of Fastly accounts, one for my company Fission https://fission.codes to try out and experiment with our IPVM wasm stuff, and one for my fediverse co-op CoSocial https://cosocial.info to look at using Fastly CDN for our Mastodon instance.

Heya @haubles – would be great to host a Fediverse category here to go deep on things.


Hey @boris, welcome! @haubles isn’t around today but in her absence I went ahead and made a Fediverse category. Appreciate ya and the idea!


While I’m here - I’m Jenn Schiffer, Director of Community at Fastly by way of the Glitch acquisition last year! You can find me working with @haubles and @jennturner on all things community across Glitch.com and Fastly - if you have any questions about Glitch let me know!

You can also find me working on (and drawing with) my pixel art editor make8bitart.com - which is a Glitch app that is using Fastly for managing TLS!


Hey Boris, welcome!

RE CoSocial: Awesome! I was just reading about this on Tim Bray’s blog. Sounds like a great initiative.

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